Tuesday, August 16, 2016

History of the Hebrew alphabet

 History of the Hebrew alphabet 
The History of the Hebrew alphabet dates back several thousand years.
A page from a 16th-century Yiddish-Hebrew-Latin-German dictionary byElijah Levita
According to contemporary scholars, the original Hebrew script developed alongside others in the region (the region is the Land of Cannan and Arabia) during the course of the late second and first millennia BCE; it is closely related to the Phoenician script, which itself probably gave rise to the use of alphabetic writing in Greece (Greek). It is sometimes claimed that around the 10th century BCE [1] a distinct Hebrew variant, the original "Hebrew script", emerged, which was widely used in the ancient kingdoms of Israel and Judah until they fell in the 8th and 6th centuries BCE, respectively. It is not straightforward, however, to distinguish Israelite/Judahite scripts from others which were in use in the immediate area, most notably by the Moabites and Ammonites.
Following the Babylonian exileJews gradually stopped using the Hebrew script, and instead adopted the "square" Aramaic script (another offshoot of the same family of scripts). This script, used for writing Hebrew, later evolved into the Jewish, or "square" script, that is still used today.[2] Closely related scripts were in use all over the Middle East for several hundred years, but following the rise of Christianity (and later, the rise of Islam), they gave way to the Latin and Arabic scripts, respectively.
The Hebrew alphabet was later adapted in order to write down the languages of theJewish diaspora (KaraimJudæo-ArabicLadinoYiddish, etc.), and was retained all the while in relatively unadapted form throughout the diaspora for Hebrew, which remained the language of Jewish law, scriptures and scholarship. The Hebrew alphabet was also retained as the alphabet used for writing down the Hebrew language during its rebirth as an everyday modern language starting in the 18th to 19th century.
According to one Jewish tradition,[3] however, the block script seen today in Hebrew Torah Scrolls, known as Kthav Ashurith, was the original Hebrew script carved into the Ten Commandments.[4] According to this opinion, the Ktav Ashurith was lost over time, as the masses used Paleo-Hebrew and its cousins, known as Kthav Ivri, for day to day writing, just as Jews today use a non block script for everyday writing.[5]According to the Talmud, the original script was known as Lebonae and was associated with the Samaritan community who continued to preserve the script even after the Jews switched to Ashurith.[6]
Ancestral scripts and script variants
CursiveRashiBraille[8]Hieroglyphicbase ofProto-Sinaitic(assumed)Proto-Sinaitic (reconstructed)PhoenicianPaleo-HebrewAramaicGreekLatinCyrillicArabic
אAlefHebrew letter Alef handwriting.svgHebrew letter Alef Rashi.png⠁ (braille pattern dots-1) AlephAlephAlephAleph.svgΑαAaАаا
בBetVetHebrew letter Bet handwriting.svgHebrew letter Bet Rashi.png⠧ (braille pattern dots-1236) ⠃ (braille pattern dots-12) BetBethBetBeth.svgΒβBbБбВвﺑ ﺏ
גGimelHebrew letter Gimel handwriting.svgHebrew letter Gimel Rashi.png⠛ (braille pattern dots-1245) GimelGimelGimelIgimel.pngΓγJ or CcGgГгﺟ ﺝ
דDaletHebrew letter Daled handwriting.svgHebrew letter Daled Rashi.png⠙ (braille pattern dots-145) DaletDalethDaledDaleth.svgΔδDdДдدذ
הHeiHebrew letter He handwriting.svgHebrew letter He Rashi.png⠓ (braille pattern dots-125) HehHeHehHe0.svgΕεEeЕеЄєه هــهـ ـه
וVavHebrew letter Vav handwriting.svgHebrew letter Vav Rashi.png⠺ (braille pattern dots-2456) ⠬ (braille pattern dots-346) unknownVovWawVavWaw.svgΥυϜϝFfUuVvWwYyѴѵУу
זZayinHebrew letter Zayin handwriting.svgHebrew letter Zayin Rashi.png⠵ (braille pattern dots-1356) unknownZayinZayinZayinZayin.svgΖζZzЗз
חHetHebrew letter Het handwriting.svgHebrew letter Het Rashi.png⠭ (braille pattern dots-1346) KhetHethKhetHeth.svgΗηHhИиﺣﺡ or خ
טTetHebrew letter Tet handwriting.svgHebrew letter Tet Rashi.png⠞ (braille pattern dots-2345) TetTethTetTeth.svgΘθT heavyѲѳ
יYudHebrew letter Yud handwriting.svgHebrew letter Yud Rashi.png⠚ (braille pattern dots-245) YudYodhYudYod.svgΙιJjIiЈјІіﻳ ﻱ
כךKaf,KhafHebrew letter Kaf handwriting.svgHebrew letter Kaf-final handwriting.svgHebrew letter Kaf-nonfinal Rashi.pngHebrew letter Kaf-final Rashi.png⠡ (braille pattern dots-16) ⠅ (braille pattern dots-13) KhofKaphKhofKaph.svgΚκKkКкﻛ ﻙ
לLamedHebrew letter Lamed handwriting.svgHebrew letter Lamed Rashi.png⠇ (braille pattern dots-123) LamedLamedhLamedLamed.svgΛλLlЛлﻟ ﻝ
מםMemHebrew letter Mem handwriting.svgHebrew letter Mem-final handwriting.svgHebrew letter Mem-nonfinal Rashi.pngHebrew letter Mem-final Rashi.png⠍ (braille pattern dots-134) MemMemMemMem.svgΜμMmМмﻣ ﻡ
נןNunHebrew letter Nun handwriting.svgHebrew letter Nun-final handwriting.svgHebrew letter Nun-nonfinal Rashi.pngHebrew letter Nun-final Rashi.png⠝ (braille pattern dots-1345) NunNunNunNun.svgΝνNnНнﻧ ﻥ
סSamechHebrew letter Samekh handwriting.svgHebrew letter Samekh Rashi.png⠎ (braille pattern dots-234) SamekhSamekhSamekhSamekh.svgΞξΧχS heavy or XxѮѯХхص orس
עAyinHebrew letter Ayin handwriting.svgHebrew letter Ayin Rashi.png⠫ (braille pattern dots-1246) AyinAyinAyinAyin.svgΟοOoОоﻋ عغـ غ
פףPeiFeiHebrew letter Pe handwriting.svgHebrew letter Pe-final handwriting.svgHebrew letter Pe-nonfinal Rashi.pngHebrew letter Pe-final Rashi.png⠋ (braille pattern dots-124) ⠏ (braille pattern dots-1234) PeyPePeyPe0.svgΠπPpПпﻓ ﻑ
צץTsadiHebrew letter Tsadik handwriting.svgHebrew letter Tsadik-final handwriting.svgHebrew letter Tsadik-nonfinal Rashi.pngHebrew letter Tsadik-final Rashi.png⠮ (braille pattern dots-2346) TsadiSadeTzadiSade 1.svgSade 2.svgϺϻS heavyЦцЧчﺻ صضـ ض
קKufHebrew letter Kuf handwriting.svgHebrew letter Kuf Rashi.png⠟ (braille pattern dots-12345) QufQophQufQoph.svgϘϙQqҀҁﻗ ﻕ
רReishHebrew letter Resh handwriting.svgHebrew letter Resh Rashi.png⠗ (braille pattern dots-1235) ReshResReshResh.svgΡρRrРр
שShin,SinHebrew letter Shin handwriting.svgHebrew letter Shin Rashi.png⠩ (braille pattern dots-146) ⠱ (braille pattern dots-156) unknownShinSinShinShin.svgΣσςSsСсШшسـ سشـ ش
תTavHebrew letter Taf handwriting.svgHebrew letter Taf Rashi.png⠹ (braille pattern dots-1456) ⠳ (braille pattern dots-1256) unknownTofTawTofTaw.svgΤτTtТтﺗ ﺕﺛ ﺙ
See also
  1. 10th century BCE script
  2. Jewish Encyclopedia: Alphabet, The Hebrew: Samaritan Alphabet: "While the Jews adopted the Aramaic alphabet, gradually abandoning their own, the Samaritans held fast to the original forms, in order to show themselves the veritable heirs of ancient Hebraism. ... It is the same character used in all the Samaritan books of to-day, and remains the only offshoot of the old Hebrew script extant, while the modern Hebrew Alphabet is of Aramaic origin."
  3. "The Script of the Torah". Jerusalem, Israel: Aishdas. 2002., Sanhedrin 21b-22a
  4. Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Shabbat 104a, Tractate Megilla 2b. "Rav Chisda says that the (final) mem and samech in the tablets were miraculously hanging in the air." This can only happen in Kthav Ashurith and not in Kthav Ivri.
  5. Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Megilla 3a.
  6. Klein, Reuven Chaim, Lashon HaKodesh: History, Holiness, & Hebrew. Mosaica Press 2014. pages 185-205. ISBN 978-1937887360.
  7. A second print letter is the form found at the end of a word.
  8. A second braille letter corresponds to the letter plus dagesh (dot) in print.

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