Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Map of Israel from more than 200 years - simply fascinating!

Map of Israel from more than 200 years - simply fascinating!

"The uncle Dominik admired until the last day, he steered ship life and nature in me the desire to maps and mapping. I was 16 I went after French island of Corsica three formative years of my life. Day and night we bother installing a set of maps of the island. Day assassinated in Cairo, almost twenty years then, it was very ... oh damn sorry, I did not introduce myself: Pierre Z'akotn; General, Professor Fontainebleau and the Legion of honor, but please you - I was called Pierre. I was asked to tell about her experiences in those tumultuous days in Egypt and Syria 218 years ago and now I do it willingly. "
Map Pierre Z`akotn

So they'd probably start this article celebrated cartographer Pierre Jacotin (Pierre Jacotin), that maps those he made at the time you are going to see. This is set maps 47 sheets were produced following a trip to the Middle East in the years 1798 to -1799, and were held for more than a decade in Paris. This is a cartographic pearl and a rare glimpse into the earth two centuries ago. Only six sheets deal with Israel, the terminology of those days was called "Syria", and to describe them will continue to hear the story of Pierre and I allow myself once in a while "out of turn" and add commentaries and notes. So let's get started!
Map Pierre Z`akotn

"I was born in 1765 and I was 33 years old when we started to hear rumors in Paris that Napoleon Bonaparte was appointed to head a military expedition to Egypt. Bonaparte was not yet emperor and the intention of the Board was to establish French control in the Middle East and prevent our opponent raises - English - good connection to the East. I was not surprised when I learned that Slmslht mighty army of 35 thousand soldiers joined artists, researchers, scientists and cartographers, will provide our nation information to use it in the future economic needs and the military. My uncle, Dominique Tstooid (Dominique Testevuide), was appointed head of the team whose task to map out Egypt, and because we worked for years in great harmony was only naturally choose me to join Lmslhto. on 19 May 1798 we set out from Toulon ... "
"No I live here things and descriptions about the journey, because three months later we found ourselves in Egypt sorrowfully away. While we clung to the Land of the Nile and Mtzbiano conquered Cairo, but our fleet was defeated by the English admiral Nelson in Aboukir near Alexandria and were left isolated in Egypt. The time to brightening things devote to the study of Egypt and its measurement. Our joy soared when he learned that found the Rosetta stone to help in deciphering hieroglyphics. We feared man in the news of reinforcements Ottoman will come from Syria. then it was decided to leave the north and eradicate where our enemies. In February 1799 we went 12,000 one along the Mediterranean coast and headed north. over half of next year will be used all resources to prepare a set of maps of regions that we're headed. "
The maps in question refers to a set course of six sheets of maps scale 1: 100,000 topographic mapping considered the beginning of the Land of Israel. Each edition Describe 4,000 square kilometers 80 kilometers in length and 50 in width. The measurements were made of the most basic steps: measuring compass directions, Astrolab for measuring the direction and location with the assistance of celestial objects, while marching to measure distances and research Tofonomi (name) based on a poll of local residents combined with information from previous maps. Z'akotin kept a diary in which he told about the methods of measurement and can be understood from the path following a military gait that map. There are regions in which the French have not visited, but they are depicted on the map based on previous sources or polling local residents. Some parts of sheets not mapped at all and were left empty. Here is a sketch of the six sheets. Please note that only the territories marked with dotted reflect partial network map prepared in accordance with actual measurements. Pink territory as appearing on the map, but not in measuring and yellow areas left blank map.
Map Pierre Z`akotn

Processing on the basis of Israel Atlas - 1964 Edition

A Arish - Number 32

"In January 1799 we took over Ktih northern Sinai, which will serve us as a starting point. We walked way the historic Sea, via maris, and I thought that history will remember us Like the pharaohs Egyptian kings, or the children of Israel walked here thousands of years before us."
Map Pierre Z`akotn

"El Arish surprise awaited us; the fort has four stone turrets (see below my map), was fortified and manned as we expected open city. Here I first heard the name al-Jazzar Acre governor ... Our intelligence officials said that he has sent a thousand soldiers Albanians and Moroccans. Rini's Division heroes could have but at the cost of 12 days of siege which provided a warning to our enemies in Israel. "
Map Pierre Z`akotn

Already in this issue shows the uniqueness language of Z'akotn - shading in black and white which emphasizes the topography without data on the absolute height, writing in French and Arabic, including the name of the town during the period, and a signal of two swords intersect to describe military operations with the date in two versions: Calendar by where the French revolution and the Gregorian calendar.

A Gaza - 43

This sheet large parts of Gaza and southern coastal plain is not mapped as a step toward ancient army located three miles from the sea and west hills that do not allow at the beach. This is the path which goes through 4 of the present road in central Gaza Strip. For this reason, the coastline is lifelike and includes fantastic bays.
Map Pierre Z`akotn

Southwest Gaza Gaza seems river estuary, which is the river gospel.
Map Pierre Z`akotn

Near Gaza City, the ruling appears Ali Muntar area hill called "Mount Samson".
Map Pierre Z`akotn

"Although tedious tour the coast and in particular in the ruins of Ashkelon, we could not see the sea but in estuaries and rivers gushing into it and we could not measure the curves on the beach."
On 28 February 1799 Isdud army arrived, one of the largest Arab villages in the southern coastal plain. Surpassing even the ancient name of the city "Azotos". Bridge north of Ashdod appears clearly on the river arose, later called "bridge to peace."
Map Pierre Z`akotn

A Jerusalem and Jaffa - Number 44

This issue extends along the coast from Ashdod to the Yarkon River and east of Bethlehem frankincense. Most of the space issue was not based on actual mapping and its southern part is not measured at all. Historic arrives by sea area will be built there facing north-east direction across the gutter-minded and Sharon (Route 6 today). Article from this path and then turns north to Jaffa and Caesarea Apollonia. East was the main road, which avoid crossing estuarine.
Map Pierre Z`akotn

Bonaparte made his way to Ramla identified in the Middle Ages settlement Arimtah Joseph of Arimathea came from grace did with Jesus, they took from the cross and buried in the Tomb of the family.This mistaken identification was probably due to the phonetic similarity Arab order. Ramla congealed so Christianity and Franciscans established a monastery at night only because he was Napoleon and his army spent in the city. 
Map Pierre Z`akotn

"Excitement of a few monks Franciscans who hosted the Mtzbiano illustrious knew no bounds. Small monastery was too small for the large forces that only Bonaparte and his limited housed in a stone building. We tended our tents near only am retired for a brief night.  At 4:25, when he was completely dark outside, suddenly there was a great shout in Arabic ... my weariness, I turned in my bed and pulled the covers over my head as if trying to ignore. calls for increased voice and waved to other situations I tend to admire its quality, was a man. I felt something bad was going to happen. I peeked through a crack in the tent and saw the minaret squat figure calling fiercely morning call to prayer. calls only got louder and louder. suddenly I noticed that the low light and torched the office of Bonaparte. the window opened and to my amazement I saw a rifle barrel sticking out through the iron bars of his thick. There was a single shot. an association of Arab stopped abruptly and a thud was heard from the deserted street. quiet Ramla prevailed in the streets. "
Map Pierre Z`akotn

The mosque is marked with a green dot. "Napoleon's bedroom window" with a red dot.Photo courtesy of Ron Peled
The muezzin murder Ramla numbers to this day, but we did not find a reference to talk and possibly infected with the joy of our Pier Middle stories. Another unfortunate monks say they paid a heavy price after the French army left the country when they repaid their neighbors Hrmlaim.

Ramle Pierre and Napoleon continued the way to Jaffa ...

"Jaffa be remembered very in Cohotno abuse and I wonder who is bigger - the tragedy of our enemies or its creation we have taken place in the city. Lmtzbiano great it would be a Noah observed especially spots on him during his stay here will accompany him throughout his life. Bonaparte besieged the walled city from the south, he sent the few officers offer of surrender and a few hours later he noticed two of the city walls. only their heads were there. He was furious and occupation of the city was a matter of time. about 2,400 prisoners caught our army were gathered on the beach and slaughtered. years later pursued a moral stain it the Mtzbiano . "
Please note that the map marks down two swords: the bottom indicates the conquest of the city in March 1799 and the additional upper passage which during the army's withdrawal in May 1799, it counted later.Another prominent name Village (Village) adjacent to the north of Jaffa.This inability to identify the names of towns also repeated other sheets.In this case, it is estimated that the village Summayl.
Map Pierre Z`akotn

Map Pierre Z`akotn

Jaffa at the beginning of the twentieth century
French forces continued mapped to the west near the Yarkon River on their way north. The river look like swamps and fields markings. Hard to imagine that the shape and location fields based on the measurement, and it is more likely that these descriptions are only symbolic.
Map Pierre Z`akotn

When continued north crossing Afek (Rosh springs east) were Napoleon and his closest distance to Jerusalem, which never came. The city has been mapped on the basis of previous information was often unreliable and fantastic mountain ranges drawn near. Can you identify a gross error geographic location of website selling?
Map Pierre Z`akotn

The answer is the wrong location of the Ayalon Valley, north of Jerusalem appears instead of the true location between Jerusalem and Jaffa.

A Caesarea - Number 45

It extends from a Arsuf and Caesarea along the beach and between Nablus and Beit She'an in the eastern part of the issue.
Map Pierre Z`akotn

Army movement north along Mrzbt Sharon came to power close Qaqun - Arab village settled in and around the Crusader fortress. Height of only 52 meters above sea level, but a small hill has great control on the way to the sea passing beneath. After the Mamluk conquest became a way station site mail is only natural that the French army was moving north will be here.
Map Pierre Z`akotn

"Near Qaqun initiated by officers of our army in military action was not the spirit of our commander. Many forces were diverted eastward to treat the enemy from the Nablus area. The conflict may be over our victory, but Bonaparte would move an obstacle. The explanations that the mountain men taunted the French, and it was necessary to educate the mob further increased his anger. Bonaparte convened the officers in his tent and said: "This operation was stupid and useless it sacrificed without the need for a number of courageous people. we are not in a situation where we can play the arrogant."
Map Pierre Z`akotn

Issue of Acre Nazareth and the Jordan River - 46

This is a complete and accurate map of all six issues of the land of Israel, and this is due to an accident undeveloped Galilee and the fact that the decisive majority of the mapped area actually measured by Z'akotn and his team.
Map Pierre Z`akotn

French map to almost every corner came to Galilee, and were assisted by resident plenty Amar (Shefar'am) as a guide. Here's a map which shows Gesher Benot Ya'akov and eastern riverside hostel.
At that time the bridge was painted by Francis Brockell Spilsbury, who was a British ship "Tiger" Sidney Smith was commanded. Sfilsbri, was an amateur painter, emerged after the retreat of Napoleon roam the country, and immortalized with his paintbrush various scenes of Israel's landscape and daily life of its inhabitants. Wonderful drawings and notes to the context-historical source of great visual understanding of those days.
Map Pierre Z`akotn

It mapped in the Beit Hakerem Valley, decorated with olive vineyards south of the village involved level. Nahf Muslim village also appears here, but the mystery is the village of El Ons (probably the wrong location and identification).
Map Pierre Z`akotn

Descriptions of the area near the shores of the lake on the east side far from reality due to the fact that did not mapped, as opposed to the West Coast more reliably drawn the true path.
Map Pierre Z`akotn

Is Napoleon's soldiers were looking for the treasures of the Temple Galilee?

Tzfatit tradition of more than four hundred years, a number that Temple treasures were hidden caves and rocky cliffs of Wadi mighty mouse.Traditions also referred kohl eye on the channel valley descending from Mount Canaan and meets the river Page. Rabbi Moshe Raischer notes in his book "Gates of Jerusalem" that the Army Napoleon Bonaparte was looking for treasure: "... and the King of France Nafolaan fifty years, was the land of Israel, and his was known by the books of Chronicles, where Mount kohl eye-tools hidden, and dug up the mountain almost to half, but Rick had come and had toiled in vain, that he did not know that they can not be revealed, nor after him, until the Messiah comes Tzdkino Bbi"a ".
Map Pierre Z`akotn

Hula Lake (High Water) appears in all its glory and adjacent territories swampy western shores.
Map Pierre Z`akotn

Issue Tyre and Sidon - Number 47

This issue was the most northern French mapping system, most of which is described and is based on previous sources and measurement.
Map Pierre Z`akotn

Tyre stands next to the battery is connected to the artificial island opposite the coast inland.
Map Pierre Z`akotn

"Often I missed my first days as a measure of Sardinian. Here we not only perform survey, surveying and mapping, in Israel we are under constant threat and when we bent over the charts and measurements, we also poised to attack. As we headed north, I felt satisfaction increasing the achievements of my team, but the cloud black hung over. Is our army will complete the mission? Is the growing rumors about Anglo-Ottoman force strong awaits us Acre materialize? professionally had reasons to be proud: we used the first time a national triangulation network and the best technology of our time. my Hastrolab was against me as a kind of weapon personally,  sometimes I found myself stroking the delicate copper engravings and precise on it. many of the communities in which we encountered did not appear in previous maps and local residents have helped us in knowing their names. I know that parts of the mufti is not accurate - do not judge took into account the severity and circumstances of its production. "
Map Pierre Z`akotn

On 19 March 1799 the French troops arrived in Acre walls, but not before they saw two British warships capture French ships had brought guns are necessary so the French army. 54 days following the days of fire and smoke, sickness and death, despair and hope for Napoleon, Pierre and all other military personnel.
Map Pierre Z`akotn

Not go into details of the siege, just say like waves rushing to shore - Wash French forces kept the city walls she could not. Here's leadership proved admired al-Jazzar (the governor of Acre) gave horror and motivate his troops. Combined wisdom of the Jewish advisor to British aid, the French mission became impossible to conquer the city. The chaos in Acre those days also reported Rabbi Nachman of Bratslav, who actually own those days rescued by boat and left the country. Another hard moral blow to Napoleon's death was his friend and subordinate, General Kafarli. This general, who lost a leg in battle in Europe, was called by the soldiers "wooden leg". Kafarli wounded in a sniper's bullet Acre Ottoman and doctors were forced to amputate his arm. It is gradually dying until he died.
In 1969, the grave was discovered after acre municipal engineer (b. Dichter) noticed score a detailed map of Z'akotn. Teams were to reveal the place and the presence of representatives of the French government opened the tomb. The skeleton lacks the leg and arm, leaving no doubt about the identity of the deceased. The site was restored and can be visited nearby spot in the Western Galilee College.
Map Pierre Z`akotn

During the siege of Acre, Napoleon left the area with part of his army to assist his subordinate who fought in the Jezreel Valley. In the map below looks Kesulot Valley in the range of Tabor and the Nazareth hills north of Moreh south. Please note that Moreh is called "Hermon" and left this mark is the village of Pula (A Fouleh), will be built next to one hundred and thirty years later, the Afula.
Map Pierre Z`akotn

In early April, Napoleon sent General Kleber Lower Galilee fearing the arrival of enemy forces from Jenin, Nablus and Damascus, and indeed a large Arab force of some 35,000 fighters moving from Tiberias and Acre may have been reached. Forces clashed near Pula. The French formed a square and relied on the slopes of Moreh. Lack of ammunition and were thirsty win the war against them and then came salvation. Napoleon discovered this truly great campaign as a military commander, arrived in Acre and crushed the enemy, and later added to the Battle of Mount Tabor (which is actually a battle Pula) for Austerlitz, Rivoli and more.
Map Pierre Z`akotn

Napoleon's army in the Tabor painting of Francis Brockell Spilsbury
"Dated 20 May 1799 I will never forget until my last day. After 54 days of siege of Acre decided our commander to retreat! Days preceding this decision was difficult. Lack of ammunition led to set monetary reward every man collect balls in combat zones, many thought Smtzbiano is tactician warns battles in open areas but less successful in the siege and grumbled about we returned and tried to score in the same spot and demonstrated creativity and offensive. defenders of Acre amazed hurling a grenade lighting clay and took dogs moat to deter Htkfotino. Our losses in the battle as a whole amounted to 1,200 killed and another thousand died of disease. the May 20 was a difficult day, but I must admit that I also felt relief: We've gone too far and it's time to go home. "
Egypt has not been the withdrawal route of arrival, but along the coast Acre - Haifa - Tantura - Jaffa - Al Arish. It is less convenient route by sea but have to assume that the French army was no longer carrying the amount of equipment Cbmhlc north and the aim was a quick return to Egypt. Haifa's map section gives an interesting perspective on the deployment location settlement Gulf coast about two hundred years ago; If we look at the issue down the left we see the Tel al Samek (Tel fish, namely the Shikmona), head of Carmel and off Carmelite Monastery (Stella Maris), the ruins Forfirion (town purple) which is ancient name of Haifa light of a fishing snails for Crimson Practices followed Haifa community of those days was small and surrounded by a wall built just D'har al-Omar, the ruler of Galilee.
Map Pierre Z`akotn

Napoleon's troops began to talk, and died were buried in a mass grave in front of the Stella Maris monastery, pyramid-shaped structure was built over the grave later.
Map Pierre Z`akotn

On May 24, four days after leaving Acre, Jaffa, Napoleon arrived. Many soldiers have occurred during the siege and during the journey housed in the Armenian monastery north of the city. At this point there are mixed views about the sequence of events: Is the commander ordered the soldiers to poison dying to avoid being carried to Egypt, or whether humanity has shown exemplary leadership and warmly embraced them time to cheer up?
"Those were difficult moments in our journey to Syria. Jaffa was known to us when we were there two months ago during the north. This time everything looks different, and our spirits were low. To this day I can remember the soldiers unhappy and that it gathered in the Armenian monastery. Members of the tent was a senior health of our delegation and we waited for his return from the visit of Bonaparte in the hospital. after midnight he entered, his face drooping 'miserable stay here in Jaffa. we left beside the little opium and poison left us. be God with them, he said with clothes and shoes into bed and covered his head with a blanket. "
Later written records in France accused of Napoleon that gave the order to poison the soldiers. Most scholars believe that this affair has been blown out by elements hostile to Napoleon, and in reality there was nothing wrong in his behavior during these difficult withdrawal.Napoleon took care to perpetuate inequality huge paintings positive;Look at the enormous size of the painting of Antoine-Jean Gros, Napoleon visiting the plague victims in Jaffa, created in France in 1803 after documenting appointed official painter of the journey to Egypt, although he was not a partner ...
Map Pierre Z`akotn

Pierre's travels alongside Napoleon returned him to Cairo, where a victory parade to erase and blur the horrors and hardships that have befallen the French Israel. Five months later he was appointed French emperor Napoleon and Acre and Jaffa names were suppressed, and plunged into oblivion. Perhaps the lesson he took with him the warlord fighting future is not to underestimate the opponent without justification as Slightly Al Jazzar.


From a cartographic, St. Pierre Z'kotn maps produced by those pioneering days was despite the many limitations. In the area between Gaza and the Upper Galilee two hundred communities have been documented and the information used for the study of the earth until about 75 years to produce maps by British Exploration Fund Land of Israel (PEF).
In terms Napoleon's journey - a French perspective it was a complete failure and unnecessary adventure, but in terms of the Land of Israel, nap under Ottoman rule, this trip was a turning point. Opened a new time of the peoples of the world about the Holy Land of the 19th century, the time change will feature "Waking the Land of Israel": a growing interest of world powers, movements and organizations that will come soon pioneers and dreamers across the country there is no recognition ...
Yoav Abniaon  is a licensed tour guide in Hebrew and English professor, Lt. Col. in the reserves, the eighth generation in the country and webmaster .
Shatner Isaac, a map of Israel and its history, map Z`akotn Page 152, Bialik 1951
Karmon Judah, Z`akotn map analysis, published in an article in English IEJ 10 1960 
Alastair Joseph, Z`akotn map, published in Israel Atlas Surveying Department of the State of Israel in 1964 
Nathan Shor, Napoleon's journey to Israel-Israel Am Oved, 1984
View full maps:   a collection david Rumsey

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